The Ministry Pages
David Stewart

"Go, get My people ready to meet Me
For I am coming soon!"
-The Lord Jesus, 1979

Welcome to this ministry site. I trust the articles will inspire you to faith and love in the Lord Jesus "who loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood" (Rev.1:5 NKJV)

A Message to Ethnic Israel

The Teaching Page:

Council of Prophets and Teachers
False Discernment
In The Last Days
Bells and Berries
The Anti-Christ Spirit
The Accursed Thing?
Holy Spirit - Part 1: Do I Have to Speak in Tongues?
Holy Spirit - Part 2: Evidence and Power
Holy Spirit - Part 3: List of 12 Purposes or Uses of Unknown Tongues
Holy Spirit - Part 4: Deviations and Anomalies
Holy Spirit - Part 5: The Same Spirit
Little Children, Young Men, and Fathers
What Are You Doing in Bed With Charles Darwin?
The Trinity Part 1: The World View of Jesus
The Trinity Part 2: The God of Israel
The Trinity Part 3: The Mysterious Person
The Trinity Part 4: The Fourth Person of The Quadrinity
The Firewall
What Are We Doing Here?
When God Seems to Step Out of Character
God Is No Respecter of Persons
Do You Have Devil Faith?
The Three Sabbaths of Jesus

The Death Penalty
The Bride of Christ Part 1: Introduction
The Bride of Christ Part 2: Can He Remarry the Ex?
The Bride of Christ Part 3: The Vision of the Bride
The Bride of Christ Part 4: Who Is The Bride?
The Bride of Christ Part 5: When Will the Bride Appear?
When Did Born Again Pass Away?
The Penalty Box
The Time Line
Is Homosexuality Sin?
The Required Name
La República de Banana
Everything on Red 23!
God Bless America?
Son, Remember
Faith and Faithfulness
The Kinfolk Said, Jed...
Little House on the Prairie
Heaven Entrance Exam
The Control Panel of the Universe
Double Down
Demonstration to the Angels
Two Souled
Try Jesus
The Bible - Part 1: The Word of God
The Bible - Part 2: Translations
The Devil Doesn't Love Me Anymore
Last Words

3 Chapters per Day
Can I Lose My Salvation?
Rejoice With Them That Rejoice
The Basis of Our Fellowship
The Commands of Jesus
Faith Without Works Is Dead
ID and Password
I Believe the Bible
Landing Party
Saved, Scheduled, and In Process
Depression - We Believe Something
The Cool of the Day
Earth Time
Are You A Pre-Tribber?
The Deception of Deception
What Is The Gospel?
Christian Gatherings
Finances: Part 1 - Increase
Finances: Part 2 - Tithing
Finances: Part 3 - Miscellaneous
Second Class Christians
Jesus Thinks He Is Coming Soon
5th, 6th, and 7th Seals
Aliens Are Coming
Church Music
Tours of Heaven
The Kingdom
51% Inside Heaven
The Way
Cheap Grace
Hearing God's Voice
The Last Words of Jesus
Where Does Faith Come From?
The Everlasting Gospel
Why Don't Church People Agree?
Know Him
Which Day Did God Create Waste?
The Father, The Son, and The Holy Soul

The Missions Page:

Introduction to Foreign Missions - Part 1
Introduction to Foreign Missions - Part 2

One of Your Girls Will Drown Today
Deliverance in Mexico
The Broken Foot
The Telephone Book
Family Photos
Mission Money
Choke Hold
Stop the Bus!
He Considered Not His Own Body
Answers to Questions People Never Ask
A Hard Message
Judaism in Mexico
Poor Greed
We Need our Equipment!

Unusual Experiences:

A Bird's Eye View
Numbness of Hands and Arms
Elbow Healed
5 Miles to Hooterville
Dream About Skin Cancer UPDATED
Charismatic Fakery
My Healing From Stage 4 Terminal Cancer
Brain Surgery
Horrible Appendix
Green GREEN Grass


Why Do Stupid People Think They Are So Smart?
Another High Watch Date Scenario
The Middle of the Week
The Age of the Earth
The Failure of High Technology and Electricity
27 Inch Yardstick
Prison Camp
Where Does the Anti-Christ Come From?
Choose One
The Red Heifer
The Travelers
The Bible - Part 3: The Politically (In)Correct Bible

Pre-Tribulation Rapture:

Pre-Tribulation Tribulation
Timing of the Rapture
The Bridge
Last Things


Do not read this section while in a bad mood. I did not want to include these essays in Teachings but I did not want to call them Speculation, either.

Women's Head Coverings

Free Advice:

Do Not Regret
What Are You Doing to Your Kids?

The Spanish Page  Las Páginas del Ministerio

The Link Page


Get Ready To Meet Me (Purchase book) Read the book in PDF format (57 pages)

A House of Two Rooms (Purchase book) Read the book in PDF format (92 pages)

Collection of Essays Volume 1 (Purchase book, 259 pages) These are taken directly from this website.

Collection of Essays Volume 2 (Purchase book, 254 pages) These are taken directly from this website.

Healing Testimony

Story of my instantaneous healing from Stage 4 terminal cancer.

The Prophetic Page

The Evangelistic Page:
The Salvation of the Saints
Examination of a Revival

The Apostolic Page:

I believe there are men who function in the office of Apostle today. These would be those who carry the authority of Christ. They are personal emissaries of Jesus Christ (2 Cor. 10:8) . This carries a tremendous amount of authority. Paul, the Apostle to the Gentiles, was not apologetic about it. He was sent by Jesus himself and said so plainly when he felt that he had to. Yet he also had the gentleness of a nursing mother (1Thess 2:7). We do not see this much.

There is no Pastoral Page - at least not at this time. This is a function of Jesus that is expressed only through personal relationship. It really cannot be described easily; it can only be demonstrated by men who share His heart for His people.

Please check back soon. God bless!

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Last updated: Oct. 11, 2024

Note: Some may have wondered about what seems to be rainbows on this page. I am a web site designer from the 1990s. Back in those days I used Netscape to build my pages. It included some free GIFs. One was a multicolored strip that may have resembled a rainbow. While some have hijacked this symbol for deviant intentions, its original meaning was the sign of the covenant made to Noah. God promised He would never again send a flood of water as He had to do in the 600th year of Noah's life. Jesus promised that the end times would resemble the conditions that were in Noah's days but there would never be another universal flood of water.

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