The 5th, 6th, and 7th Seals

The book of Revelation was written by John the Apostle. The rumor was that he would not die before the return of the Lord and it really looked that way. John wrote the book about 95 AD so he was an extremely old man, surviving all the other apostles.

In this book there are so many symbols, parallels to Old Testament prophetic writings, and spiritual events. I want to focus on a small part of the narrative: The Seven-Sealed Scroll, and specifically just a portion of that.

When John first saw it, he wept. This scroll may be a will, like the kind a lawyer reads to a grieving family. It may be the title deed to the earth. For some reason, John was deeply distressed when it was realized there was no one who could open and read it (Rev 5:4). When the crucified Christ is shown to be the One who could open and read the scroll, there was great rejoicing and worship.

The scroll had 7 seals. When Jesus opens the first 4 seals, it releases strange calamities upon the earth. However, even breaking 4 seals does not allow the scroll to be opened and therefore read. These seals and their resulting events are so huge but I want to focus in on the next seal, the 5th seal.

When the 5th seal is opened, John sees souls. These are the souls of martyrs who had been killed for their faithfulness to Jesus as the Word in spite of great resistance from men. They are crying out to God for His judgment against evil men, for vengeance. Things are bad on the earth but God is not pouring out His judgment. This is the fifth seal and the wrath of God is not being poured out yet. If God is not judging the earth by the fifth seal, He certainly is not judging the earth at the first seal.

These souls are told to wait a little while longer because their number is still being added unto. More martyrs are still being killed. Several more drop in continually. They are also given a white robe. Thanks a lot! What good does a robe do since they are just souls? It is given to them but a disembodied soul is unable to put it on.

Although 5 seals have now been broken, the scroll is still completely unable to be read. It cannot be opened since 2 seals remain. As the 6th seal is broken, everything changes!

13 And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind.

14 And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together;...

17 For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand? (Rev 6)

[This is paralleled in something that David wrote about the day he was delivered from Saul. God bowed the heavens, came down, and hail and coals of fire followed (Ps 18:12, 13). This is the first thing that the 7th seal initiates, hail and fire (Rev 8:7).]

Now the wrath of God is released. Why now? Many have been experiencing the wrath of men, the wrath of nature, even the wrath of Satan but not the wrath of God until this moment. What has changed? The 6th seal is broken.

John looks again but he cannot find any souls. Instead, there is a great innumerable multitude. No one is dropping in to the group. The number is complete and John cannot even tell what that number would be. They are all wearing white robes! Souls could not wear anything. Something has happened. Resurrection has happened! There are no more martyrs being added to the souls. There are no more souls, either. Everyone is in their resurrection body. I Thess 4 has happened.

The scroll is still sealed. When the 7th and last seal is broken there is silence in heaven for about half an hour (Rev 8:1). Now and not until now the scroll can be opened and read. Apparently, the will is being read. If so, the entire family must be present. Now, Jesus officially has the title deed to the earth and the saints understand their inheritance.

17 ...and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

18 Wherefore comfort one another with these words. (I Thess 4)

May 25, 2024

The Ministry Pages