Deliverance in Mexico

A Mexican pastor had been up all night dealing with a serious problem. In the morning, he called the senior missionary who then invited me to accompany him. The two of us drove to a part of town where his church was. A few streets away from the church we found the pastor talking with another man in the middle of the street. The pastor was nearly unable to speak at all from hoarseness.

I was not sure what the problem was but I gathered that the man's house was the one nearby. But why where the four of us standing in the middle of the street? I discovered that the pastor had been yelling for some reason all through the night. That is why he was hoarse. While the other men where talking, I looked over at the house where the fourth man's family lived. It was set off the road a little ways and the front door was open a few inches.

Although it was sunny outside and the door open only a small ways, I could clearly see the eyes of something from inside the house. The eyes were vertical, like someone lying down. Through the narrow slit of the door opening, I was aware that someone was staring directly at me. It was the creepiest thing and I did not know why.

We finally entered the man's house through the front door which was practically shut but not quite completely latched. It was a small, humble place. The main part of the house was empty except for a bed in the middle of the room. It was centered in what would be the living room. In the bed lay a petite girl about 18 years of age. She probably was 70 to 90 pounds.

It seemed strange to have a bed in the middle of the main room of the house. I was standing to the right of the bed nearest the front door. The girl's father was standing next to me. On the opposite side of the bed was an uncle or cousin; a full grown man. There were two other men there. They were also family members. They were standing a little ways from the foot of the bed along with the girl's mother. The senior missionary was at the head of the bed, completely out of the view of the sick girl.

My friend had a bible with him. He opened it and was going to read a passage from it. The girl could not see him or hear the “thunderous” sound of a page turning. The girl who been lying silent and motionless til now, suddenly became extremely agitated. I heard a man's voice come from her belly which said, “Es estupido!” (It or he is stupid.) I instantly realized why we were there. The girl had parasites. I mean the talking kind.

It gets stranger. The girl began thrashing about on the bed, still on her back. Instantly, her father and uncle jumped on her to try to restrain her. She grabbed onto her father with her right hand. She threw him over her chest, across the room. He landed against the wall and crumpled to the floor. Then she grabbed the other man with her left hand. She threw him backhanded. I said I saw a sick, 90 pound girl throw a full grown adult man, with her left hand, backhanded across the room. He slammed against the wall and crumpled to the floor on top of the first man. Stunned, it took them several moments to get up off the floor and to reorient themselves as to where they were. They ran back to the girl and jumped on her again. This time the two other men joined them. Four men were barely able to restrain a small girl. After a little while, she settled down again and the men felt they were able to stop holding her.

The senior missionary prayed with all of us in the house and recommended that a tape player be set near her bed with Christian worship music constantly playing. She woke up later, calm and apparently in her right mind.

It gets crazier. Her mother took the girl to a spiritist temple and offered up an animal sacrifice, in thankfulness for her healing. (Note: An insane person may not be the source of problems. In some cases, it may be somewhere else, like in a person of authority, who may seem to be high functioning and stable. However, do not automatically suspect the mother, but evil is often more cunning than first appears.)

Some time later, I was holding a evening outdoor evangelistic campaign in the neighborhood near this family. I preached the Gospel and called for any willing persons to come forward to publicly declare a willingness to receive and walk with Christ. I was amazed to see the girl's father walk to the front of the crowd and take off his hat in respect. He was announcing publicly that intended to be a follower of Jesus.

Things are often not what they first seem. The real problem was not in the girl, but in her mother. The real deliverance was not in the girl, but in her father. After all the supernatural craziness his family had been through, he thought he had better get on the winning side.

Mar 30, 2023

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