Dream About Skin Cancer

A few years ago I went to see a Dermatologist. I had a place near my ear that I wanted to have checked. The took a biopsy of that place then looked at a few other spots of concern. They ended up taking several biopsies. Some of the spots turned out to be nothing. However, there were two spots on my right arm that turned out to be skin cancer. They were not painful or bothersome at all but the Dermatologist felt the areas needed to be cut out. There were two spots on my right arm about the size of a nickel. The skin was smooth but a strange reddish color. They made two 3 or 4 inch football shaped cuts on my arm and stitched the skin together. A rather easy procedure. Now I have two scars on my right arm.

A few weeks later I noticed something strange. There was an odd spot the size of a nickel on my left hand. It was the same size, shape, and color of the two spots I had cut out a few weeks earlier. This made me concerned about the situation. I thought about seeing the Dermatologist again.

I delayed for a few days. Our first thought should not be of running to a doctor. The experience and knowledge of many doctors can be valuable. We should not view them as enemies. It is just that if our first instinctive reaction is to run to man's wisdom instead of seeking God, something is wrong with our thinking. It is also an insult to God, though we may have not intended to do so. Thank God for doctors. If not for them, most Christians would be dead.

A few nights later I had a dream. I dreamed about the spot on my left hand. I saw myself putting a rather common household substance on the spot. I awoke the next morning and did exactly what I saw myself doing in the dream. In about two days, the spot was gone, completely. That was probably 2 or 3 years ago as I write this.

Very obviously, not all dreams are from God. It seems that one was.

Someone says, “That's great. Tell us, What was the thing you put on your hand?”

I told you.

No, I mean what did you use that made the cancer go away?”

I already told you.

I suppose many people will get angry with me and accuse me of riddles. Do you really think that peanut butter or toothpaste or something else similar will cure cancer? I will tell you again:

I awoke the next morning and did exactly what I saw myself doing in the dream.

Obedience. That is where the power is. There may indeed be a cure for cancer that has been or soon will be released unto the medical community. That is great.

King Hezekiah of Judah developed a terminal disease. The prophet Isaiah said that he would die. Hezekiah prayed earnestly to the Lord. God agreed to give him 15 more years of life. This is how it came about:

And Isaiah said, Take a lump of figs. And they took and laid it on the boil, and he recovered. (2Kings 20:7)

The doctors did exactly what Isaiah told them. They somehow laid figs on the place that indicated the sickness and he recovered. Is there medicinal benefit in figs? There may be, I don't know. It was probably the ingredient of obedience to the word that Isaiah proclaimed that allowed the healing to take place.

Sept 27, 2023

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