Elbow Healed

I know what disappointment is like. I am more than familiar with failure. I have prayed for people and then had to bury them soon after. Sometimes, however, the Holy Spirit makes it look like we know what we are doing. Those moments are so thrilling. While I do not want to approach every testimony with an apology, I want to make sure I do not let even a little bit of the glory remain in my hands. It is all God's power. He makes us look good sometimes. This is a fun one.

A friend of mine fell on the ice one winter. He landed hard on his elbow. Afterwards he noticed there was something floating around inside and under the skin of his elbow. X-rays showed that a piece of bone had broken off and was now loose under his skin. Surgery was required.

He asked me to pray for him. I did not feel any particular confidence. I held his elbow and prayed. It was a little startling when I heard myself pray in a what seemed like a French-sounding language. We both felt a vibration in the elbow. He checked it. The bone fragment was gone. Or it may been welded back into place on the elbow joint. No surgery needed but thanksgiving to God was.

June 20, 2023

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