The Direct Intervention of God

Are catastrophes the judgment of God? Many YouTube videos have the caption “They Mocked God Then This Happened”. Some are quite a stretch trying to show a supernatural consequence for a certain ungodly action. Others seem to be remarkable in their showing words against God followed by instant, immediate retribution.

In Acts 12 we have the shocking account of King Herod failing to give glory to God. He was instantly struck by an angel and died, being eaten by worms. Not everyone in the royal court was killed, just one person. Occasionally, in other places we see what appears to be the direct, supernatural action of God or His angels against individuals. The direct, supernatural intervention by God against groups of people is more rare except for special cases. The Flood of Noah's day and the destruction of Sodom are two examples.

One day Jesus and His disciples came across a man who had been blind since birth. The popular thinking of the day was that tragedy was the consequence of sin. The disciples asked if it was the man himself or was it his parents that had sinned. Jesus replied that it was neither (John 9:3). He explained that was not the case here and then healed him.

On another occasion Jesus was told about a slaughter that Pilate had authorized against some men sacrificing in Galilee.

And Jesus answering said unto them, Suppose ye that these Galilaeans were sinners above all the Galilaeans, because they suffered such things? (Luke 13:2)

Jesus said that even though these men suffered a terrible, unusual fate, it was not related to personal sin. Then Jesus Himself brought up the report about a tower in Siloam that had fallen and killed 18 men. Again, Jesus said this tragedy was not because of personal sin.

I was in Mexico City in 1985 just a few months after the great earthquake that killed 10,000 people. Huge buildings were reduced to a pile of rubble. Strangely, buildings standing next to many of these ruins were untouched. Someone noticed that these were mostly federal buildings that fell. The ones that remained standing were private buildings. Did God judge the federal government and leave the private skyscrapers alone? One speculation is that the contractors on public projects cheated on the size of the metal rebar inside the concrete and pocketed the difference. This weakened the buildings to the point that they could not withstand an earthquake. If true, it was not God's fault but greedy men who allowed great death and destruction.

The great Los Angeles fires started January 7, 2025. Much speculation and blame is still circulating. Was it the judgment of God? Many Christians lost their homes. Churches were caught in the blaze. Was it the direct intervention of God? Isn't that city a wicked place? Isn't it the source of much of the world's sin and perversion? Perhaps it served as reminder to all of us that this world's things are going to burn, someday. But was it the personal anger of God that caused this destruction? Jesus and the whole of the Bible would seem to indicate, no...not yet.

There is a natural, national consequence of sin, especially when it is put into writing. Abortion “rights” were put into writing by the US Supreme Court in 1973. There is a somewhat natural, automatic result of a nation shedding innocent blood. History has shown that many times. God told Abram that his descendants would be oppressed in another country but would return to Abram's land after 4 generations. It appears that God gave the current residents of the land 400 years of mercy, then they would be mercilessly annihilated (Gen 15:16). The direct intervention of God was coming in fury but not right away. Do we see God's patience or His wrath in this? We clearly see both.

In Revelation 6 John sees a prophetic vision about a lamb receiving a scroll that is sealed with 7 seals. As the Lamb breaks the seals, great widespread disasters are released upon the earth.

First Seal

A rider on a white horse is sent forth. This seems to be false peace. It conquers by the use of promises. It defeats nations and peoples by lies about security.

Second Seal

A rider on a red horse is sent forth. This rider takes peace and produces real war.

Third Seal

This rider is upon a black horse. He seems to bring famine yet the prophecy uses words that sound more like relative prosperity. It may be price fixing and rationing.

Fourth Seal

This horse is an ashen color, pale and greenish. The rider brings widespread death by every sort of agent, war and plagues.

Fifth Seal

John sees a large crowd of martyred souls. Perhaps certain people have been calling these recent catastrophes “the judgment of God” so much that the world has decided to eliminate these problem people. They are a resistance to the global solutions offered by the world's leaders. There really is not enough food in the world anyway for trouble makers.

These souls that John sees in his vision under the altar are crying out for judgment and vengeance against their murders. God says, No! Not yet. The martyrs are told to wait a little while longer. A certain number of people have yet to be killed like they were. God is not and has not been sending any judgment upon the earth to this point. If God is not judging by the fifth seal, He certainly is not judging anyone at the first seal. These are not the judgments of God.

People have been seeing the manifest result of sin. They have been seeing the wrath of men, the wrath of nature, and the wrath of the devil. They have not seen the wrath of God until...

Sixth Seal

The birthday party is over. The death and destruction upon the earth have been like toddlers splashing in the kiddie pool compared to what is coming next. Now and not until now the raw, personal rage of God is clearly seen. The Atheist, the demonized, the reprobate, and the insane can even see it now. The first thing that is mentioned at the opening of the 6th seal is a “great earthquake” (Rev 6:12). Biblically, an earthquake accompanies mass resurrection. There is probably a few million persons resurrected at this point. This verse matches perfectly with Jesus' words in Matthew 24. Coincidence?

(People from all walks of life) hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;

And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb:

For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand? (Rev 6:15-17)

Now, everyone knows that the plagues coming on the earth are not natural phenomena. Everyone clearly understands that this is the direct, personal wrath of God.

Seventh Seal

This last seal releases the Trumpet and the Bowl judgments in rapid-fire succession. This last section of time upon the earth probably lasts 6 to 12 months. Jesus returns to the earth but not on clouds this time but on a white horse. Not with words of blessing for His followers this time but now with a sword proceeding from His mouth that strikes down the nations (Rev 19:15).

You have to know Him now. You do not want to see Him unprepared.

Jan 17, 2025

The Ministry Pages