Which Day Did God Make Waste?

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. (Gen 1:1)

When did God create the earth? In the beginning. The beginning of what? In the beginning of time. Time is probably a property of creation, the fourth dimension. Anything that is made, that did not previously exist (eternal), marks the beginning of time. This would be true for anything that is created, physical or invisible. Time is the marker for everything that has or will happen. When did God create the sun? The fourth day (Gen 1:16, 19). When did God create trees and vegetation? The third day (Gen 1:11-13). How did God make trees and grass before there was any sun? That would require light, wouldn't it? What did God create on the very first day? Light (Gen 1:3-5).

Alright. Never mind.

Which day did God create the earth? On the fi.… The Bible doesn't say. Many say that it has to be the first day. Why?

Because it should be.” Because it has to be to make our philosophy work out. What about saying what the Scriptures do plainly say and not claiming what the Bible does not say? That would rupture our doctrine. Maybe our doctrine should be ruptured. What about letting the Bible speak? The beginning of wisdom is respecting what God says through His Word even though we may not understand it (Prov 1:7). This begins to open up an understanding that we could not otherwise have, while fighting with what God says.

Who made the earth? God alone can call things into existence from the invisible realm. Several passages tell us that God is the Creator of everything. Genesis chapter 1 tells us details of God preparing Adam's home and then Adam himself. God said that all of this work was “very good” (Gen 1:31). This is the environment that we know today. Sort of.

God made a perfect earth which marked the beginning of earth-time. Then, God made an environment for Adam which God called very good. However, in between these 2 perfect works of creation, there was a situation that God did not make.

And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. … (Gen 1:2)

[Note: It seems this darkness must have been before the first day, the day of light.]

So...God created a piece of crap floating around in the heavens? Which day did He do that? Some teachers say that the earth being a wasteland was just part of the process of making it. God says, I didn't do it.

For thus says the Lord, who created the heavens (He is the God who formed the earth and made it, He established it and did not create it a waste place, but formed it to be inhabited),

I am the Lord, and there is none else. Isaiah 45:18 (NASB)

God created the heavens and the earth. When, we do not know. Later, God created Adam's home in 6 literal days. The Bible makes a special point to laboriously bring that out. Something terrible and ungodly happened in between those 2 events. What happened? I do not think we are told. God is the only One who can create. Apparently someone else is able to wreck things. Possibly the planet suffered a divine judgment. We are not told a great deal of information. We could guess. Speculation is fine if we indicate that we are guessing. What is not alright is claiming that God said something when He did not say such.

Sept 27, 2024

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