Aliens Are Coming

God gave Moses many instructions for possessing the land which was promised to ancient Israel. Among the instructions was the command to completely destroy 7 nations that they would find inhabiting the land. This meant women, children, and animals. They were to leave nothing breathing. This may sound unreasonably severe. Was God bloodthirsty? He had His reasons. However, God forbid the Israelites to harass some others. For instance, they were not to bother the Moabites (Deut 2:9). This does not sound like arbitrary rage. The instructions were clear.

Annihilate 7 people groups (Deut 7:1).

Do not even look sideways at any of the others.

But in any case, do not make a covenant with any of them (Ex 23:32, Deut 7:2).

In Joshua 9 we have the story of the inhabitants of Gibeon. Israel was now under the direction of Joshua. The Gibeonites heard of what God and Joshua had done to the people of the land. They saw that the army of Israel was defeating armies much larger than themselves. They saw the pointless resistance of the other cities. They decided to use another tactic, deception.

The Gibeonites sent certain men out pretending to be envoys. They came to Joshua and the men of Israel. They said they were from a far country. They pleaded for Israel to make a covenant with them. Since they were from a far away country, so they claimed, they wanted to covenant with Israel to let them live.

Joshua and the leaders of Israel did not seek the Lord. They were convinced that the men were from somewhere outside of the promised land so they made a covenant of peace with the Gibeonites. Three days later, Israel discovered that the men were from nearby, not a distant land as they had claimed. Because of the covenant, the Israelites could not touch them. They had to let them live but made the Gibeonites forced laborers.

Are we alone in the universe? Scientists estimate there are 10 septillion planets in the observable universe. (Eric Mack

Another scientific estimate says, “the odds of a potentially habitable planet is actually quite high, possibly as high as 100 billion in our galaxy alone.(Brian Koberlein

There are maybe 200 billion galaxies, trillions of stars, septillions of planets. If only a tiny percentage of them are home to intelligent life similar to us, it almost seems impossible to not have distant neighbors in the universe. The numbers are, if you will excuse me, “astronomical”.

A popular theme in some Sci-Fi stories is “scanning for life forms”. Let's say that we possess the means to scan for life forms. We would have to aim our device in every direction from earth for distances of innumerable light-years. It would take many years to scan the entire universe. At the end of our search, let's say that there is no indication of any kind of life in the entire universe. That would be the creepiest feeling, to know that we truly are inhabiting the only life-supporting planet in the entire immense universe. With multiplied trillions of planets, to realize we are alone in the universe, as far as other humanoid creatures are concerned, would be overwhelming as we consider the size of our observable universe. It is my personal opinion that such is actually the case.

Today there is a narrative that is being strongly pushed upon us. Beings from “far away” are living here on earth or they are coming someday soon to benefit the human race. This is a deception. These beings are not from some distant star system. They are our near neighbors, in the sense that they are “close” to us in distance but separated from us by the thin veil of dimension. They do not travel long distances to reach us. They are as near to us as our breath. They are locked out of our experience for our safety. This lock can be overridden by diligence, blood, sin, or persistent ceremony. There are plenty of evil and misguided people who are eager to undo this lock and release another civilization upon our world. They are not visitors from far away.

The recent UFO phenomena that began in the 1940s gives fuel to the idea of extra-terrestrial visitors from very far away. The story is that they are superior to us and therefore are here to benefit mankind. Millions of people have seen them. Millions have not. In spite of all the fakes and mistaken sightings, this cannot be dismissed as being without significance.

I was working with a man who claimed to have seen a Bigfoot creature 9 feet tall crossing the road one night. He hesitated to tell me about it. I do not have any real reason to doubt him. Millions of people have seen them. Millions have not. You never see a dead Bigfoot along the road next to an upside down armadillo. You never see a huge pile of Bigfoot droppings in the woods. Among all the frauds and erroneous sightings, Bigfoot creatures and related ones are real and yet they are not “real”. They do not belong in our world. Occasionally, people see one. Stranger things than these are coming upon our world.

Things like these will happen again in our day as in the days of Noah (Matt 24:37, Luke 17:26). Supernatural beings left their realm and tried to ruin the human race to the point of it being impossible for God to send a Savior.

At the 6th seal, “the stars of the sky” will fall to earth (Rev 6:13). These are always angels in the Bible. These stars falling is “war in heaven” (Rev 12:7). Perhaps people on the earth will not be able to see precisely what is really going on. John saw the hidden spiritual reality of these events.

When the devil and his angels are thrown down to the earth, it is a different day, like the days of Noah. The story will be that superior beings from a galaxy far, far away have come to help mankind with diseases and such. The reality is that our near “neighbors” have been shaken out of their former dwellings and have come to earth. They are insane with rage because they now know that earth-time has made their remaining time very short. It is the Great Deception. The general population, including godless churches, have poo-pooed the idea of the supernatural. Now, it is blatantly “in your face”.

For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. (Matt 24:24)

Jesus said that the elect will not be deceived. Why? Because we are looking behind the scenes through the window of the Scriptures. Our Lord has warned us, His apostles have written to us. The Holy Spirit within us is the Spirit of Truth that we are walking with. God has made all provision for us to not be taken into deception along with the unsaved.

May 26, 2024

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