51% Inside Heaven

When confronted with the idea of rewards in heaven, many people respond with If I can just get to heaven at all, that will be reward enough for me. Basically, if I can just get 51% of me inside before the gate comes crashing down, I'll be happy.

I was driving big truck in Florida one day working on road construction. As I was driving down a certain highway I thought I saw something on the roadside out of the corner of my eye. A strange thought instantly came into my mind, half an alligator. I said, That can't be. When I had the opportunity a few hours later to return on that same highway I made sure to look for the unusual object. I saw something ahead by the side of the road so I slowed down. It was half an alligator!

It looked like the animal would have been about 7 feet long when it was alive. It must have been killed on the highway. Someone cut the tail and hind parts off and took it away! They left half an alligator. I suppose we could surgically cut the tail off and an alligator might still live. It could not swim, though. It would be alive but it would not do or be what it is supposed to be.

Jesus did not die to forgive us of sins. He died to bring us to God (I Pet 3:18). Of course, to bring us to the immediate presence of the Holy Father, we would have to be changed. All sins would have to be gone. The old nature would have to be dead and buried (Rom 6:6). The new eternal life of God would need to be born in us.

In a sense, eternal life is not a reward. Of course, it is if you consider the alternative. Life in heaven without rewards is like an alligator without a tail. He is not a complete creature without it. He can live but he is not going to be what he is intended to be. This idea of rewards is Jesus' idea. No man would think this up.

When the entire family (of God) is together and all the wicked are gone and forgotten, everyone will have the life of the Father in them. The most important thing at that time will be the rewards that Jesus desires to give to us. Isn't eternal life enough? Yes, but it is not the intention of God for us to have life without certain privileges and responsibilities. Jesus wants to do things this way.

How can I be rewarded the way Jesus wants me to be? Obey Him. Do what He tells you, not simply what you think may be a good thing. Allow the life of God that is in you to transform your soul. If you esteem His word as truth, an effortless change will be worked in you. May we all be Sons who serve obediently.

June 30, 2024

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