Door 888
Imagine being in a large house having many rooms. Finding your way through this house, as well as simply maneuvering through life, involves a multitude of choices. There are many levels, rooms, hallways, and stairs that lead to a new set of mysteries. In a large, old house one would possibly find passageways and oddities that do not offer any explanation.
Picture a long hallway which has a thousand doors in it. No actual house is that big but our world is. Our life's journey is traveled in the environment of choices. We have to make thousands of decisions during our lifetime, large and small. This long hallway that I am suggesting represents religions, philosophies, worldviews, and doctrines. One door opens to Catholicism. Another leads to Atheism. Another goes to Communism and other doors lead to a multitude of variations on that.
Let's say that someone wants to find the way to God. He opens the door to Hinduism. How many years would it take to learn all about it and then experience the good and bad that religion has to offer? If there is enough of his lifetime left, he might try the door to Islam. This would also take many years to learn about it. It would also require years of living under this religion in order to fully experience it. It might actually take generations in order to grasp its intended effect on a society. No one could live long enough to sample all of the 1,000 doors available to him.
A different person could try the door to Atheism. Anything less than several years might not fully reveal the scope of this philosophy. If there is anything remaining of his lifetime, he could try another way of life. There would still be hundreds of doors remaining to him that were untried. A person would have hundreds of worldviews left untouched. What if he never finds the right door, in spite of a lifetime of diligent search?
God shows His kindness to the honest seeker.
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. (John 14:6)
Jesus claims exclusivity. Not only does God show us the right door, Jesus (Ἰησοῦς=888) said that He is the door (John 10:7,9). The kindness of God saves us a thousand lifetimes of futile floundering. He says we should try Door 888. Forget the others. Ten thousand years would not be enough to find the way to God by ourselves.
Many people are upset by Christ followers talking about Jesus, especially about He being superior to all others. It is the goodness of God that lets you bypass all the other claims to truth and come directly to the right door. As He claimed, He is The Door.
Nov 17, 2024