Some Thoughts On Timing

It takes about 3 to 5 years for a pastor taking over a new pastorate to come into any amount of effectiveness. All ministry comes from relationship and when the new pastor comes to a church there is no relationship. Besides that, everyone leaves the church! But if he can hang on for three to five years -well, by then there is a relationship with the congregation and he can really come into what the Lord has for him to do. In the case of the (western) missionary this development time is about 15 years. The tragedy is the average sponsor quits supporting a ministry after about 3 years. The sick reality is that the Body/Church aborts its developing servants way before their time. This "christian abortion" has eternal consequences.

Native vs. Foreign Missionaries

There is a native missionary movement gaining momentum today which I support, in part. The basic reasoning goes something like this: Why should we support a Western missionary at $80,000 per year when he can't speak the language, can't relate to the culture, doesn't like the people or the food, and doesn't bear any fruit? Interesting point. Then it is pointed out: Why, for just $30 per month you can fully support a native missionary who knows the language and culture, lives as the people he is trying to reach do, and is much more effective.

Who could argue with that? Well, this is a serious matter to consider. There is just a little bit of deception here, however. $30 per month does NOT support a native missionary. $30 buys ONE UNIT of support. The missionary may need several of these units in order to survive and survive is the correct word. This money will not really balance the personal or domestic budget much less provide for a ministry budget. We are talking about existence here and not much more. Is this what Christ wants for His servants?

Supporters of the native missionary movement often say that they want 100% of their support to go to the field. This is insane. Somebody, somewhere has to take care of the expenses involved with sponsoring these missionaries. Hopefully, office and administrative costs are kept to a conservative minimum and there are agencies which do a great job at this. The office workers of many good missions agencies that I know raise their own personal support to allow 100% of designated offerings to go to the field. But, somebody; somewhere has to give toward the support of these office workers. Donors just don't want it to be them.

This is a typical scenario I have experienced: My family and I went to a church in the Dallas area to present our Latin American ministry to the people. There was a check for $75 made out for us BEFORE we arrived at the church. Let me say I am very, very thankful for a $75 offering. There have been many times I have rejoiced over an offering as small as $5 because that was five dollars more than we had. However, it cost us about $150 to go and minister to that particular church. The people thought they were giving to missions. In reality they were not even giving to provide ministry to themselves. Somebody, somewhere, somehow had to make up the difference. Do you see what I mean? It is just immature to think that 100% of a donation should go to the field. Yes, I understand that donors are permitted to designate their offering. This is good. Just don't forget that someone has to pick up the part that is ignored. Remember: God works on percentages.

How does one know what to do? The point is: What is God saying to you? If the Lord says GO then that is the final word. More and more I receive the message from overseas that the only thing an American is good for is to write a check. To be honest, I really resent that mentality. Jesus said,
"The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest" (Mat 9:37-38). My friend, that means there is room for YOU!

Feb. 10, 2024

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