The Broken Foot

In about 1990 I was living in Mexico. One day I got a telephone call from a Mexican man. He was a young man that worked with us missionaries in our rural churches. His secular employment was with the municipal water department.

On this particular day he had been working with a construction crew and a large water main pipe they were installing fell on his foot. He was in serious pain. The managers sent him to the closest clinic to look at his foot. The clinic took X-rays. When a doctor looked at the images, he said this was much more serious that he first thought. Realizing that the clinic could not properly care for damage of this nature, the doctor told him to report to different a clinic the next day. They were, however, able to put a walking cast or wrap on his foot but were unable to give him the care his injury really needed. That is when he called me to tell me what had happened.

The young man did not go home that night, but instead went to one of our church “buildings”. It was really more like a brush arbor; a roof of corrugated laminate with six poles made of palm tree wood holding it up. He spent all night crying out to God. I understood it was not because of pain, mainly. It was because at the new clinic they planned to put a permanent cast on him. He was planning to go to a Bible school in a few days and he did not want a cast on his foot.

The next day he went to the new clinic. Although he had his own X-ray from the day before, the clinic's policy was to take their own X-ray. When the doctor finally came into the examining room, he looked puzzled. He said, “I have an order here to put a cast on the right foot of a 20 year old male...but this foot is perfect.” My friend told the doctor that he had been trusting Jesus to help him.

My young friend asked, “May I have that X-ray, please?” The doctor said that he could take it since it was worthless to them.

My friend immediately came over to my house. He brought his two X-rays with him.

I said, “Let's step outside into the sunlight.”

I held up the two X-rays to the light. They were taken 24 hours apart. The first showed what looked like the bones smashed to power in some places. Fragments of the numerous foot bones were scattered all over the area of the foot. The second X-ray showed a normal foot. Every little bone was in its proper place.

Beyond amazing! God did it again.

Apr. 5, 2023

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