
Today the national debt of the United States is at $34 trillion (and change).

A semi honest presidential candidate may say the financial direction that previous administrations have led us into is not sustainable. We need to implement austere measures. These are severe economic policies that most responsible people would be horrified at. These may include rationing food and fuel, lowering wages, increasing taxes, and confiscating all bank accounts. The candidate may be correct but he will not be elected.

A totally honest candidate may say that our current path is not sustainable either but there is no remedy. He will not be elected either. There is no use in raising and spending millions for a campaign that is guaranteed not to win.

So, no candidate will ever say this.

Many say that the only solution is a global reset. What is a reset?

The Great Reset is a proposal by the World Economic Forum to rebuild the economy sustainably following the COVID-19 pandemic. It was unveiled in May 2020 by the United Kingdom's Prince Charles and WEF director Klaus Schwab. It seeks to improve capitalism by making investments more geared toward mutual progress and focusing more on environmental initiatives. Wikipedia

That is a nice way of saying some really nasty things. It is beyond austere. It is global slavery. There would have to be some kind of unprecedented disaster before most people would welcome or demand something like this. You may have noticed some leaders trying to make every difficulty into a world wide disaster. They hope that the latest piece of chaos is the big one that makes global slavery easy to implement. It will happen but responsible people have to resist it while they can.

This is definitely the direction that unseen forces have been corralling us toward. The man of sin will likely use financial problems to make the majority of the earth's population willing or eager for a global solution (Rev 13:17).

Maybe a better solution for us is a national reset with sane measures put in place after that. Would that happen? I really doubt it. No one would agree to severe financial measures without an unprecedented catastrophe, the likes of which we have never seen.

They say that Hitler killed 6 million Jews. I do not know if he personally ever slapped anyone. He may not have personally harmed anyone but he was the authority responsible for the atrocities.

Is Satan real? We may say at times that the devil is bothering me. You and I do not deal with Satan. We deal with the “foot soldiers”, the minions that harass and plague people. They are relatively easy to deal with. The word “demon” is often used to refer to any evil spirit. If we agree to that definition, that ends all further explanation and debate. It is not my purpose in this short article to study the hierarchy of the evil kingdom.

It is my understanding, however, that there are different classes of beings in the unseen realm. Ordinary people deal with little beings or demons on a regular basis. Even they are not be taken lightly, however.

Have you ever known of a political candidate that runs on a conservative platform? He may be from a normally conservative region. Once he gets to Washington, however, things change for him. He encounters a very real spiritual agenda. He is either pressured to adapt an insane program or he completely caves and embraces a world view that is different than what his support base elected him on. Why?

A different type of being is concentrated in the political or ruling center of a nation. This is where the principalities are located and working. They do not care if someone gets drunk or if some individual gets into a fight in the parking lot. These evil beings are the original sons of God that were supposed to help govern men from unseen places. Now, in rebellion, they influence kings and presidents. They now move on lawmakers and judges to implement the plans of Satan (Eph 6:12).

How do we little humans know about this? Even kings and presidents do not know what is going on, in many cases. We deal with little demons. Kings and leaders deal with principalities. Paul tells what is really going on. Even though we cannot perceive with the natural senses what is going on in the unseen realm, we know what is happening by the revealing window of the scriptures.

[These original sons of God are destined to be replaced by a different kind of sons of God, which shall judge them (1Cor 6:3).]

Hitler had his final solution. The antichrist will have his final solution. We do not want a global reset. A perfectly implemented national reset will not work either. The final, final solution is a Universal reset. This will not involve the removal of the Jews but this time will result in the exaltation of the Jews. This will be when God fulfills His promise to His friend Abraham that his descendants would bless the entire world. This will happen to a great degree in the future Millennial Kingdom.

The final solution: Universal reset. We need Jesus, a benevolent world dictator. He is the only real solution. He will rule with an iron fist from Jerusalem yet He has the actual well being of the people at heart (Rev 19:15). He will make the earth nearly a paradise, compared to it is as we know it today. That is exactly what God has had in mind for a long time. This Jew is the real promise to bless all the families of the earth by saving them from their sins (Gen 12:3).

Jan. 4, 2024

The Ministry Pages