República de Banana

Semi-Hypothetical Story

In Central America there is a small country with a 10 million population. In a recent presidential election, the challenger received 7 million votes. The current dictator received 8 million votes. That is statistically impossible: 15 million votes from a population of 10 million people, many of whom are children. This shows the fingerprints of something very wrong. We do not know who or how but the numbers tell part of a story. This has the fingerprints of something significant all over the election. We may not know anything about the details of this country's politics. The numbers themselves say that this cannot happen without the direct unnatural intervention of someone.

The original languages of the Scriptures, Hebrew and Greek, do not have numerals. The letters of their alphabets have an assigned numeric value. This is not arbitrary, such as a=1, b=2, c=3, etc. These values are built into the basic structure of their written language. It has been this way for millennia.

The discovery of this fact has fueled much controversy. There appears to be multiple layers of embedded mathematical code in the Bible's original text. As the Scriptures were written, there is, of course, a semi-understandable narrative, perhaps like a novel or a newspaper. In other words, a person can read the Bible and understand it, at least on some level. In addition, some say that the numerical equivalent of the text is telling further information. Some have tried to see future events, other than the prophecies that are presented.

Some of these codes can be seen by intelligent men using pen and paper.

The discovery of ostensibly "hidden" messages occurring among equally spaced letters ("equidistant letter sequences" or ELS) in the Biblical text ...(was) Originally observed by Rabbeynu Bachayah in the 14th century,... - Chuck Missler

The codes embedded within the Bible may be revealed more clearly by the use of supercomputers. These may someday reveal complex algorithms that include fascinating information including the names of every person who has ever been born on earth. This information is not for predicting the future. More likely it is for hindsight. After the fact, we will be able to look back and see the wisdom of God. No doubt the truth about such things as the Rapture will be seen clearly. After the fact, we will say, It was there, thinly veiled, all the time. Why did we not see it?

While we cannot yet decipher the codes entirely, we can see that they are unnatural. The message of our Bible, though human hands have had a part in preserving it, is from an origin that is non-human. It is a message to us that is not from this earth. I am not suggesting aliens from another planet but rather that it is “alien” to us.

A remarkable fact is brought out by Dr. Chuck Missler:

Everyone who explores their Bible, quickly discovers the pervasiveness of Seven: there are over 600 explicit occurrences of "sevens" throughout both the Old and New Testaments. ... there are also prevalent evidences of design hidden behind the text. The "Heptadic" (sevenfold) structure of Biblical text is one of the remarkable characteristics of its authenticity. What about these disputed 12 verses (of Mark)?

Missler goes on to detail the nearly incredible results of Dr. Ivan Panin. He describes the remarkable structure of the disputed Mark 16 passage.

In fact, he identified 75 heptadic features of the last 12 verses of Mark. We have highlighted only 34 heptadic features. If a supercomputer could be programmed to attempt 400 million attempts/second, working day and night, it would take one million of them over four million years to identify a combination of 734 heptadic features by unaided chance alone. (Additions or Deletions? by Chuck Missler - February 1, 2000)

This is the signature of God. Things like this are found throughout the Bible, Old and New Testaments. For the Scriptures to have this kind of order, the Author of the Bible would need to be the Inventor of the Hebrew language. He would also need to have been the inventor of the Greek language. In order for that to be possible, he would have to have been the inventor of all human language, working through the events at the Tower of Babel (Gen 11). This is the signature of God.

For the Bible to have been originated by humans is statistically impossible. A person may not know who or how but the numbers tell part of a story. We have a book that is not of human origin, not of this earth.

Dec. 12, 2023

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