
A few days ago I was watching a video about the process used by a crematory. This is a place that uses a high temperature oven to dispose of a dead body. It turns the body into ash. This has become increasingly popular among families of deceased loved ones especially since it is somewhat less expensive than a traditional funeral.

When the oven is done turning the body into ash they scrap or sweep out the ashes and they end up in a special tray. Sometimes the dead person had screws, pins, or artificial joints. These will not turn to ash, of course. A strong magnet is used to find these parts (if they are made of steel), if there are any. The steel parts are simply pulled out of the ash by the magnet. Everything natural about the deceased is non-magnetic. Anything steel that may have been implanted in the body will be found by the magnet. The magnet will not touch the ash.

After both my parents passed away, their home with all their belongings had to be gone through and disposed of (thrown, sold, or given away). My dad had a shop behind the house. His father had run a blacksmith shop and there was a lot a metal items. My brother, my wife, and I loaded more than 3,000 pounds of scrap iron onto an auto trailer. We took it all to a local scrap yard be be sold.

We drove the trailer into the area where they had a huge magnet on a crane. The magnet approached the trailer. While it was still several feet away from the scrap, all the items in the trailer instantly snapped into the air and stuck to the magnet. As the crane operator slowly moved the magnet away from the trailer, a huge bar came out from the mass of twisted iron and fell to the ground. It was made of aluminum. It looked exactly like all the rest of the metal. We had accidentally put the aluminum bar on the trailer with all the other scrap. Aluminum is non-magnetic. Although it looked like the other steel scrap, it was of a different nature, a different metal. The magnet, although it was very powerful, did not exert any force on the material that was of a different kind.

Basically, a material is either magnetic or it is non-magnetic. That is so simplistic. There are so many different kinds of material in the world. The magnetic material reacts instantly to the force of a magnet. The other kind is not affected at all.

When Jesus comes again to get His people we will hear His voice. It will touch something that is within the believer. We will see the light of His appearing. It will touch something that it within the believer.

In a moment,...we shall be changed. (1Cor 15:52)

(We shall) meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. (1Thess 4:17)

In a moment we shall be changed from our weakness into a renewed body of flesh and bones and light which shall be like Him. Instantly changed in the physical and to be forever with the Lord.

What will happen to the unbeliever? Absolutely nothing (at that time). Why? They are natural. They are a different “material”, a different kind of being. It is only the super-natural thing in us which will respond to the voice and the glory of the Lord. God has caused a new thing to be born inside of the believer. That thing is not an object but it is the Holy Spirit of God.

He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life. (1John 5:12)

This almost seems too simplistic. The haves and the have nots. With all the complexities of life and all the different situations that people find themselves in, it actually is simple, from our perspective. The grace of God is the magnet. Your faith and the indwelling Holy Spirit are the magnetic material.

What kind of material are you? Magnetic or non-magnetic? Faith or non-faith?

Receive the Son of God and be ready to hear His voice and be changed!

Mar. 1, 2024

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