The Key to Evangelism

In Joel 2 the prophet speaks about an outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Immediately before and after this the Bible speaks about a harvest. "Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." But preceding all this in verse 17 Joel says, "Let the priests, who minister to the Lord, weep between the porch and the altar; let them say, 'Spare YOUR people, O Lord'". In preparing for this great harvest of sinners into the Kingdom of God there is a great weeping and crying out: "Spare YOUR people, O Lord!" Is this perhaps an error in the translation? Does God stutter? Is the prophet confused? No, it is that "My ways are not YOUR ways." Should we not cry out to God for the pagan, the sinner, and the one ignorant of the ways of God? Of course, but God has a special plan for the salvation of the lost.

There are a number of ways the Gospel can be proclaimed. Christian television is certainly one of the most powerful tools for reaching people with the Gospel in these days. In many parts of the world radio is the most effective means of communicating the message of Jesus. Other methods may include tracts, evangelistic campaigns, tent meetings, films and videos, and children's evangelism. In Mexico, for instance, I have seen drama and skits bring the message of God's love to the people in a very powerful way. All of these ways are good and there are many more.

Let's look at a few methods of Biblical evangelism that perhaps are not so popular or obvious:

I) WORSHIP. "He has put a new song in my mouth -- Praise to OUR God; many will see it and fear, and WILL TRUST IN THE LORD." (Ps 40:3) Corporate worship plays an important part in bringing the lost to a knowledge of salvation. Not their being impressed with our musical excellence but rather it is a powerful spiritual force that somehow allows salvation to take place. I know of a worship group that plays anointed songs of praise outdoors. This is genuine warfare. The fruit that has come from this is infinitely greater than what is produced by picket lines or name calling in semi-violent demonstations. Psalm 40:3 states that salvation will result from the people of God entering into true worship. Dare to believe this great but neglected promise!

II) REPENTANCE. "Restore unto me the joy of YOUR salvation ... and SINNERS SHALL BE CONVERTED UNTO YOU" (Ps 51:12-13) Coming into a right relationship with God ourselves also in some way allows salvation to come to the sinner! We generally tell the lost to repent; "clean up their act", etc. and maybe God will accept them. It is true, a person must repent in order to be saved but the power that releases the blessing of salvation to the lost is REPENTANCE in the life of the people of God. How ironic! How backwards! How great is the wisdom of God!! Do not skip over this well known verse from II Chronicles 7:14 " If MY PEOPLE who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive THEIR sin and HEAL THEIR LAND." The forgiveness of God's people will produce a healing in their land. How America needs a healing today! It will happen only if the SAINTS "turn from their wicked ways". We seem to be backwards today. We want the world to pray in the public schools while the Christians do not even pray in their churches! What kind of foolishness is this? The sinners are doing exactly what they should do: SINNING. It is the church that has become the abnormal creature. We are supposed to be the expression of Christ Himself.

A California pastor was praying for the lost. God told him, "Call the church to repentance and I will save the lost." He did and his church began to grow every week! Let's give God the simple respect and honor of believing His promises.

III) ASK. "Ask of me, and I will give you the nations." (Ps 2:8) We may miss the greatest harvest just simply for lack of asking. How tragic! "You do not have because you do not ask." (James 4:2)

Have we cried out to God as one voice asking for the conversion of the lost? Who is to blame for their remaining in spiritual darkness, the blind or the children of the God of Light? Let us ASK God that Jesus might receive that for which He suffered and that which He redeemed: the lives of all the people of the earth.

IV) LOVE. Jesus said, "By this ALL WILL KNOW that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another." (Jn 13:35) Here Jesus does not say that we are to love the sinner but to love ONE ANOTHER. Yes, we are also commanded to love the lost, bless those who curse us, etc. but the POWER that brings salvation is found in loving the Christians. Again, it may seem that the ways of God are backward from our logic. It seems that to win the sinner we should love him and what we think about the church should not have any bearing on the situation. But this is not what God says. The promise says that IF we love the brothers then all men will know that we truly are the children of God and that we have a message that they need to hear.

I know of a small church where the presence of God is so powerful that it is almost too intense to bear at times. This group also has a little problem with its doctrine. It holds to a unscriptural position as to the grace of God but there is one thing they do have that is good. These brothers have an intense love one for another. In my opinion they are a little off base doctrinally but God can put up with a little of our funny doctrine. However, He cannot and will not endure the way we treat the Body of Christ sometimes.

A good minister friend of mine tells the story about a church he used to belong to. At times the presence of God would be incredibly powerful. Visitors would seek out a member of the group and ask, "How can I be a part of this? How can I be saved?" And all this without anyone necessarily preaching the Gospel in the meeting. What was the distinguishing characteristic of this group? Again, they had an unusual love for each other. Jesus said (if we would only decide to receive His words) "By this shall all know ..." if only we would love our brothers. Please hear this: MANY TIMES IT IS EASIER TO HAND A TRACT TO A SINNER THAN TO LOVE OUR BROTHER. And the world pays the price for this by remaining in darkness while the key to the Kingdom is in our hands.

None of this is to say that if we just get the church in order that this will impress the hell out of the sinner. No; rather, this is honoring God's Word and it will release a spiritual force that will result in salvation.

Also we are not saying that we do not need the name of Jesus to be saved. Yes, we do and He must be preached. But the great need today is that "... you shall BE witnesses..." (Acts 1:8) and then DO witnessing.

I was on the Caribbean island of Puerto Rico on a hot, steamy day. I remember walking up a steep rural road and I stopped to rest a moment. The Lord suddenly spoke so clearly and casually to me something I will never forget. He said, "You know, the great need here (in Puerto Rico) is not for the information of the Gospel, but for the power of the Gospel AND for someone to live it! (the Gospel)"

My dear brothers, let us live our message and see one last great harvest before the end.
