Finances: Part 2


Probably the greatest secret in all of human history is the amazing secret of the tithe. I cannot understand it or explain it to you. The math simply does not work. The ancients knew about the tithe. I do not know how Abraham understood this. He just did somehow and he used it to build and maintain great wealth. Melchizedek and Isaac also operated in the tithe.

When I started out in married life, I worked in an engineering department of a large manufacturing company. I made $4.25/hour. Needless to say, things were very difficult on only one income. I was encouraged to tithe. I felt that was impossible. I had all the common excuses that everyone tells themselves. Then, I lost my engineering job due to layoffs. Now it was impossible, I thought.

My wife and I had three small children. It was a desperate situation. I got a check in the mail one day for $6. It was an insurance reimbursement for some medicine purchase. It was not even real income, just a repayment for an earlier purchase. With my income reduced to zero, I was ready to trust God with the tithe.

At a church meeting I decided to tithe off this small check that was not even income. I was too embarrassed to put coins in the offering so I gave my three children 2 quarters and 1 dime. Two hours later, a man gave me an envelope with $100 cash in it. I said to myself, I see how this works. I frantically looked through my pockets for another 60 cents!

To my knowledge, I have tithed from every dime since that day 40 years ago. I am not wealthy but I live a lifestyle that relatives with a salary 5 times that of mine cannot understand. Therefore, the rumor is that I am wealthy. It is not that. It is the secret of the tithe. It makes life work out. How? I have no idea.

If your paycheck this week is $1,000 can you give a tenth, $100? Someone may say, It doesn't even pay the bills now! How can I give any away?

If your income is $100 can you give $10? If your income is $10 can you give $1? If your income is $1 can you give 10 cents? Someone says, I might as well give a dime. It doesn't make any difference at that point.

You have 10 cent faith! That is where I was. Do not despise such small beginnings. God will meet you where you are and help your real trust in God to grow.

Are You Cursed?

Many preachers use Malachi 3:9 to tell people they are cursed if they do not put their tithe in the church's offering plate. You are not cursed. You might be stupid but you are not cursed. No one who is in Christ can be cursed (in this way) whether you tithe or not. However, you have placed yourself and your household in a real difficult situation if you do not participate in the miracle of the tithe.

My emphasis is not on finances. If I preach somewhere there is a 95% chance I will speak on the coming of the Lord because that is my commission. If you invite a speaker that has been given special insight with finances, chances are that he will speak on finances, perhaps even every single time he preaches. What is the complaint about him? All he ever speaks on is money.

His lord said unto him, Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: (Matt 25:21)

That is what that preacher will hear from the Lord. Why? Because that was his commission. Remember that Jesus is sitting in the Judge's seat, not some man. It is He that we must please, not popular belly-aching and fault finding.

Amazing how preachers poo-poo prosperity preachers, then pass the plate and try to take an offering from people who have no faith to give. I knew a good pastor that really wanted to serve God. He wanted to speak against deceivers and frauds. He planted ridicule, fault finding, mockery, belly-aching, scoffing, and criticism. What did he expect from the people of the church in return? Loyalty, love, faithfulness, understanding, and respect. What did he actually get? Everything that he planted in them. They all turned on him and threw him and his family out. Amazing that one of his favorite verses was Galatians 6:7.

Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.

Do not give just because some preacher threatens you or tries to pronounce curses on you. Do not give only because he begs you. My advice would be to partner with a ministry of faith, maybe with one which goes against the popular flow. Do not partner with scoffers. I would lean toward the “crazies” a little instead of joining myself with mockers.

Apr. 24, 2024

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