Heaven Entrance Exam

The official Theological Test that God uses to grant access to heaven has been leaked. An anonymous person who recently visited heaven was able to obtain a copy of the official test questionnaire page that has been used for centuries to see whether or not a person is “heaven material”. I have been granted permission to reprint it here.

    1. Is the proper mode of baptism

A. Splashing

B. Dunking

C. Spray bottle

D. It doesn't matter

2. What is the Age of Accountability?

A. 0-4 years

B. 5-12 years

C. 13-19 years

D. 32 years

3. Do you speak in tongues?

A. Yes

B. No

C. Not sure

4. Were you predestined?

A. Yes

B. No

C. Not sure

5. Is there a Rapture? If so, is it pre- or post-?

A. Yes. Pre-tribulation

B. Yes. Post-tribulation

C. There is no Rapture

    6. How old does the Bible say the earth is?

A. 40 years

B. 6,217 years

C. 13.5 billion years

D. Newly hatched

7. What is the throne of the universe?

A. A captain's chair

B. A bench seat

C. Folding chair

D. Lawn chair

Be careful with your answers. A score of at least 5 out of 7 is required. A failing score is grounds for refusal for entry. Good luck! (Unfortunately, we were not able to obtain the answer key, only the questions.)

Would it not be terrible if such a test were required for entrance into heaven? Ignorance, immaturity, or marking the test paper wrong accidentally would immediately disqualify you from eternal life.

Life is an open-book test. All the answers for almost everything we need in life is in the book.

Does it matter if one does not believe in the virgin-birth of Christ? Yes and no. The fact and the reality of the virgin-birth is essential. What if a person is confused on the subject?

If a person knows the vital importance and necessity of the Messiah being born of a non-human fatherly origin and then deliberately denies the doctrine, I would say that person is a devil pretending to be a human. If they teach others this idea and even tamper with the scriptural text to make them appear to support it, I would say that person is damned while they live.

But what about the person who does not understand or is confused or even deceived about the truth of the virgin-birth? I do not think they are in the same class as the deliberate knowledgeable denier. God is the Judge.

Persons, like me or others, are the messengers of God's word. Obviously, our goal is not error but it should be to deliver God's words as accurately and as correctly as possible. We are the messengers who faithfully deliver the message without any personal bias injected into it, unless we clearly state we are speculating about something. We are not the judges. God is. We do not administer any theological “test” or put any hindrance before people. We do not add to the message God has sent us to proclaim just because we think it might be better our way. God is the Judge. He is Judge not only of all the listeners but of the messengers as well.

God has commissioned us with one fact that places everyone on one side of the issue or the other:

He who has the Son has the life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have the life. (1John 5:12 NASB)

Of that there can be no excuse or apology. We dare not add to that anything that God has not added to it. “Teachers” constantly do that. It seems that man must always add something, anything to the finished work of Christ.

Is God going to give a theological test to enter heaven? You and I can be very thankful that He will not. Inaccuracy is not the goal but must we be perfect? We must be sure about one thing. Do we have the Son of God? Does it count if we heard something about Jesus once when we we not really listening? Does it count as real if we mindlessly repeated someone's words when it really was not in our heart to trust Christ? Again, God is the Judge about what constitutes genuine saving faith.

Do you have the Son?

Dec. 25, 2023

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