The Cool of the Day

Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God moving about in the orchard at the breezy time of the day, and they hid from the Lord God among the trees of the orchard. (Gen 3:8 NET)

This verse can give the idea that it was customary for God to walk through the orchard of Eden to converse with His creatures, Adam and his wife. Perhaps before the fall into sin and rebellion, Adam and his wife would hear a special sound which indicated that God had come to talk with the two of them. They would hurry to the source of the sound and find the Creator come to enjoy their presence again.

Imagine a possible conversation among them.

Adam finally saw the Lord and like a child he ran excitedly to tell Him the big news of the day. “Lord, I saw a squirrel jump from one tree to another and it was so far!”

God said, “How far did he jump, Adam?”

Adam looked up into the branches of a flowering tree and said, “It was about 3.1749 meters!”

God smiled at Adam. “Did you realize they can jump a lot farther than that?”

God said to the woman, “Daughter, what did you see today?”

Oh, I saw 2 butterflies. They were so beautiful!”

God asked , “What color were they?”

The woman thought for an instant. “They were mostly green with a yellow stripe on each wing that was about 67.8927% along the iridescent scale”.

God had to laugh. “I know the two you are talking about.”

Adam and his wife were like children in their simplicity and innocence yet they were brilliant, much more brilliant that any of their descendants would be. The Fall would ruin everything.

While they were in actual innocence they communed with God everyday. What did they talk to God about? They had no fears, no rent that was overdue, no lack of food, no sickness to seek healing for, no problems with children or other family members, no seeking for revival, no sins to confess, no wars to ask protection from, no forgiveness to ask for, no devils to ask protection from, and no deadlines to meet. No lack, no needs, no problems.

What would our prayer life be like if we eliminated all of the above? What would be left? “Amen?” We would have to be consumed with the Person of God. We would have to adore Him and thank Him for His goodness and kindness. Most of us lead lives that are not overly exciting. We would have to talk to God about the mundane things in our lives. We would have to talk to God about what He wants, about what He thinks is important. We would just have to love Him and find our completeness as a child of His. Could that be enough? I think it could be and I think it will be someday. Maybe we should start now, considering Him as more than enough and His life in us as more than anything we desire.

Mar. 13, 2024

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