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Closing of the Gulf
A dream/vision given to David Stewart
VERACRUZ, MEXICO - Sept. 11, 1990 - I had set aside three days for fasting and prayer. My purpose in this special time of seeking God was to hear Him concerning my ministry in this seaport city in eastern Mexico. On the second day of the fast I became very sleepy a few hours after waking up. Even though it was only mid morning I laid down. I soon saw something that bothered me. In a dream or vision I was looking at a newspaper written in a language I could not understand. On the front page there was a large photo of a huge battle ship; like an aircraft carrier.
As I was considering this a voice read to me the top two lines of the newspaper:
Battle Lines Drawn
I would like to share a few thoughts. First, I assume the gulf that was closed is the Persian Gulf. Actually, Operation Desert Storm did take place in the Persian Gulf region shortly after this dream. During that war I presumptuously said the gulf would be closed. When it was not, I boldly announced that the U.S. was going back with American military, which happened under President Clinton. However, the gulf was not closed in that event either.
The news media which anounced the Gulf closing was not American, apparently, though I believe the Western forces are the opposing military power inferred in the headline. The term "Arabs", as would be used in a newspaper, is a generic term referring to middle eastern peoples that are non-Jewish.
Several Middle Eastern countries are "friends" of the U.S. right now. Could we see this change? Might we see a powerful confederation of Middle Eastern/Mediterranean states and not European take center stage?
Abraham had two sons. Isaac was the father of Israel . Ishmael was the father of twelve tribes of peoples, generally and generically referred to as "Arabs". But Abraham has more sons as well. "For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus...And if you are Christ's, then you are Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise" (Gal 3:26,29 NKJ). The Jew, the Arab, the Greek, and the Aborigines "...are all one in Christ Jesus" (v.28). Have you declared Jesus as LORD of your life? You might as well; He is anyway.
Another Interpretation:
The Gulf that I saw referred to may have been the Gulf of Mexico. When I saw the vision I actually was staying in a hotel named Hotel Kyrios on the beach in the city which is Mexico's major sea port. My room faced west so I could not see the ocean. On the top floor of the hotel there is a restaurant facing east and you can see the Gulf of Mexico. The word kyrios is a greek word meaning Lord.
Is an invasion of the United States possible? Could there be a military movement against the southern U.S. from bases in Mexico and Cuba; not by the people of those countries necessarily but one funded by Middle Eastern sources? Every time you fill up your gas tank you may be making a deposit in a war chest toward your nation's destruction.
"Why would God do this?" GOD WOULD NOT DO THIS! But the United States is constantly demanding that God take His hands off our affairs and leave us alone. And that will be our devastation: